Brain Storm Working Together
Neurodivergent allied health professional: Barriers and Facilitators

Published: Monday 17 February 2025

Study's full title: Barriers and facilitators to practicing as a neurodivergent allied health professional

University Affiliation: University of Sydney

Ethics Approval/Reference Number: 2024/HE001169

Principal Researcher: Shaya Singh

Supervisor(s): Associate Professor Roxanna Pebdani

Purpose of study: The study aims to explore the experiences, needs, and contributions of neurodivergent professionals in the allied health field. By participating, you’ll contribute to research that seeks to foster greater inclusion and support for neurodivergent individuals in the workplace. Participation Criteria: You can take part in the study if you:

•   Are diagnosed or self-identify as neurodivergent

•   Are 18 years or older

•   Are Located in Australia - and

•   Have current or previous employment experience as an allied health professional.

Survey Link:

Contact Details: or 0468787533

End date for survey:  01/08/2025 or until we have reached the desired amount of participants

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