Divisional Councils

Divisional Councils are advisory groups of OTA members from across states and territories to bring voice to local and state-based issues affecting occupational therapists and communities. Councils provide pivotal intelligence to inform OTA of the opportunities, emerging issues, and changing landscape to enable OTA to be responsive to all of our members' needs, no matter where they reside. Council members welcome and value questions, input and feedback from OTA members. If you would like to connect with any of our Divisional Council members, please contact us at OTA, and we will be happy to forward your request.

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Divisional Councils

There are eight Divisional Councils, one in each state and territory (see links below). The Divisional Councils meet at regularly to discuss opportunities and activities impacting occupational therapists in their state or territory.

The key tasks and functions of the Divisional Council are:

  • Represent the interests of members affiliated with the Division
  • Provide localised advice on issues of relevance to the Division
  • Provide feedback on papers, projects and issues presented to the council to support the development of programs and services within OTA
  • Raise issues (current or potential) for occupational therapy practice and professional standards as well as opportunities for improvement
  • Advocate and educate others including key stakeholders and broader community on the role of occupational therapy
  • Represent Occupational Therapy Australia at key external meetings or events

To be eligible for nomination a nominee must be an OTA member and reside in the geographical area of the Divisional Council.

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